Dear Friends of 180,
Those powerful words, “You saved my life,” were whispered by Melissa* as she told us her story of abuse and violence which gradually went from emotional put-downs to a night when her husband tried to strangle her while her little daughter cried and screamed out for help.
At the safe house, Melissa and her daughter blossomed surrounded by others who had experienced many of the same things. For the first time in many years, they slept soundly and felt peace in their hearts. While staying with us, they received an array of supportive programming including safe housing and nutritious meals, counseling and case management, and assistance at Family Court. Melissa’s daughter benefitted from art therapy, counseling, tutoring and recreational activities.
At 180, families like Melissa’s have the time to heal, to begin to recover, and to chart a new course for themselves and their children. We thank you for your support which helped us illuminate Melissa’s path forward.
Melissa and her daughter’s story is but one of thousands that our counselors and volunteer advocates hear each year. These stories demonstrate the impact of your support on our mission which allows us to be there for survivors 24/7, 365 days a year. 180 is a place of empowerment, hope and comfort because of you. Thank you for making it possible for us to meet the challenges of our mission while serving countless members of our community as they heal from domestic violence and abuse.
Wishing you a healthy, safe, and happy holiday,
Anna Diaz-White, Executive Director
Brian M. Nelson, Board President