Happy Pride Month to our LGBTQI+ friends, neighbors and allies! 180 is proud to stand alongside the LGBTQI+ community as we continue to work for equality and safety for all. At 180, we know that the LGBTQI+ community experiences domestic and sexual violence at alarmingly high rates. Our doors are open to anyone who needs us.

During Pride Month especially, 180 Turning Lives Around calls upon our community to become informed about the prevalence of sexual and domestic violence within the LGBTQI+ community.
Abusive partners in LGBTQI+ relationships exhibit the same behaviors as abusive partners in heterosexual relationships – to gain and maintain power and control through physical, sexual, verbal abuse and/or financial control and isolation. However, in LGBTQI+ relationships, partners who abuse may exploit societal factors that compound the complex issues a survivor faces in making safety decisions or how to leave an abusive relationship. There are many barriers to reporting domestic violence and sexual violence that can include a victim feeling like they are already under attack for their sexual orientation/sexual identity, threats of being outed, fear that their HIV status may be exposed, the belief that the abuse was their fault, fear of not being taken seriously or believed because of their sexuality, child custody/visitation issues and concern that providers are not informed of issues that are unique to the LGBTQI+ community. 180 advocates against this and all forms of oppression and we continuously look to build safety for all survivors.
180 Turning Lives Around is passionate about providing an extensive array of services for individuals affected by sexual and domestic violence, regardless of sexual identity, gender, or sexual orientation. Through on-going professional development, staying current on LGBTQI+ healthcare concerns, and conducting a continuous dialogue with LGBTQI+ community leaders, 180 cultivates a safe, confidential, and empowering environment for all victims of sexual and domestic violence.