This workshop is free and open to anyone age 18 and up who has experienced Domestic Violence and is interested in learning more about Financial Abuse and Budgeting. All participants will receive a helpful information packet.
Does your abuser…..
- Urge you or demand that you quit your job or prevent you from working?
- Stalk or harass you at work?
- Refuse to give you access to bank accounts and hide or keep assets from you?
- Give you a set amount of money to spend and no more?
- Constantly question purchases you make and demand to see receipts?
- Make financial decisions without consulting you?
- Steal your identity or file fraudulent tax returns with your name attached to them?
- Sell property that was yours?
- File false insurance claims with your name on them?
- Not pay child support so you can’t afford rent, food, and other needed items?
- Force you to open lines of credit?
These are just some of the common ways that financial abuse happens. We understand and can help move you towards economic independence.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
180 Turning Lives Around
1 Bethany Road, Bldg., 3, Suite 42
Hazlet, NJ 07730
Please call Danielle to register and reserve a spot for this exciting new workshop that will help you move towards economic independence.
RSVP: 732-264-4360 x 4262
Space is limited; please sign up by 1/14/19.