I hope you are enjoying this beautiful summer! 180 Programs are as busy as ever. Periodically, we receive input from our client-families. Not only from those who have stayed with us at the Safe House, but also from individuals who have gone through any one of our many programs including the Amanda’s Easel Creative Art Therapies Program, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Counseling, 2ND FLOOR Youth Text and Helpline, Family Justice Center and Court Liaison Program and so many more. It is inspiring to hear from individuals who have turned to 180 for help, and as a result are thriving and surviving because of our interventions, counseling and domestic and sexual violence programs. The feedback we receive helps shape our work and is also a very good reminder as to how much your generosity saves and changes lives. You make these success stories possible! As always, thank you for your commitment to our mission; it is your support that enables us to turn lives around.
Anna Diaz-White
Executive Director
180 Turning Lives Around, Inc.
“I came to 180 and stayed in their Safe House. I was pregnant with my first child. It wasn’t the first time he was violent, but this time he strangled me. I left him and found 180. The staff at the Safe House gave me the tools I needed to start anew.”
“There was a darkness in our home, but mom and 180 changed all of that for me. As I got older I learned that mom had spoken to 180 Court Liaisons at the Monmouth County Courthouse and she was able to obtain a restraining order.”
“I am now a living example that this program works and it is possible to come through a desperate situation. Now I am independently caring for my children, managing my comfortable home, working full time and continuing my education at a local University.”
“You allowed me to touch my pain and come to terms through art with the sadness I was resolved to keep buried. You have helped in the process of healing from many painful wounds. Amanda’s Easel became a refuge, a place to seek comfort and helped me to understand new ways of thinking. We are a better family because of YOU.”
“Just knowing that 180 was by my side in the courtroom gave me the strength to be there and the courage to face the defendant.”
“I think that the most important thing 180 does for its clients is to empower them. Educating sexual assault victims about their choices is handing them the tools they will need to become survivors.”