Sydney Kaiman, a resident of Fair Haven, NJ and a Junior at Rumson-Fair Haven Regional High School has launched a project called “The Pampered Pillowcase” – whose mission is to provide local women in crisis a special gift to show them that they are supported by their community. Sydney adopted this project in the hopes of bringing comfort to women in Monmouth County who have fled domestic violence and who are staying with 180 Turning Lives Around at our emergency shelter. Sydney and her cadre of caring friends, collected donations from local businesses and residents so they could fill each pillowcase with items such as cozy pajamas and slippers, lotions and special beauty products. Each mother at 180’s Safe House received a personalized pillowcase with items sized especially for them just in time for Mother’s Day.
“180 Turning Lives Around is so grateful to this impressive group of young ladies who took the time to make the lives of those struggling in our community a little brighter this Mother’s Day. We know that these gifts will help to bring peace to the women in our shelter during a most trying time in their life.” said Lynn Lucarelli, 180 Director of Development.
For more information about 180, or if you are in need of our free and confidential services, please contact our 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: 888-843-9262 or our 24 Hour Sexual Violence Hotline: 888.264.RAPE
For youth and teens in our community who are in need of any type of support, please contact our 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline: 888.222.2228 or visit us at
When domestic violence forces individuals, children and families to leave their homes, 180’s Safe House is a safe haven. The Safe House, situated in a confidential Monmouth County location, can accomodate 45 individuals for aproximately 60-90 days. There are 12 family bedrooms with private baths, a communal kitchen and dining and living areas as well as laundry facilities. The Safe House has a teen “rec” room and two creative arts therapy studios where childen are counseled. A computer and library resource room provide needed space for homework and job search activities. An outdoor playground and garden make the Safe House feel like a home.
180 Turning Lives Around is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to empower survivors and families affected by domestic violence and sexual assault to find the courage and strength to turn their lives around. 180 supports this mission through 24/7 hotlines – including the 2NDFLOOR Youth Helpline, counseling, legal advocacy, emergency shelter and transitional housing and art, play and music therapy for children.