1. On average 2 rape survivors come forward to 180 each day seeking counseling and other services – over 70 per month.
2. In the past 3 months, over 213 sexual assaults have been disclosed to 180 counselors. Funds raised through 180’s Annual Celebration ensure there is a counselor available for each phone call 24 hours a day, seven days per week.
3. 180’s rape hotline calls are up 15% since last year with many being triggered by the #MeToo movement. More victims need more services and 180 needs more funding to keep up with the increase.
4. 3,000 domestic and sexual violence phone calls have been received since July 2017 – 50% of which have been emergency/crisis calls.
5. Teens under the age of 18 comprise over 20% of callers – almost all female. 180’s caring response to teens involve counselors especially trained and licensed in this area.180’s 2nd Floor Youth Helpline (2NDFLOOR), and our school based educational and outreach program, ensure that young victims have a place to disclose and receive the help they need.
6. The NJ State Uniform Crime Report for 2015 (last year available currently) indicates only 15 police reported sexual assaults in Monmouth County yet 180 Turning Lives Around had 103 rapesreported to us that same year.
7. Sexual assault is the most under-reported crime, yet 1 in 5 women and 1 in 71 men will be sexually assaulted at some point in their lives.
8. In the past 12 months, our school outreach program related to safe dates and healthy relationships conducted over 138 presentations and workshops reaching over 3,033 students throughout Monmouth County.
9. Over 12,000 hours of counseling and support were provided by trained staff last year for our statewide youth helpline,
2NDFLOOR. The most popular topics discussed were dating and relationships as well as sex and sexuality.
10. Our phones rang 16,500 times and staff texted over 3,500 times. 2NDFLOOR’s website saw over 72,000 page views.