Definition: Stalking is a pattern of behavior that may cause fear or concern fear for the person who is the focus of the behavior.
Stalking is a crime that frequently predicts and co-occurs with physical and sexual violence. 180 Turning Lives Around can help guide you and give you the tools you need to respond to the crime of stalking. Stalkers use many tactics including: Approaching the victim or showing up in places when the victim didn’t want them to be there; making unwanted telephone calls;leaving the victim unwanted messages (text or voice); watching or following the victim from a distance, or spying on the victim with a listening device, camera, or GPS.
Common staking behaviors include:
- Repeated calls, text messages, e-mails, or posts via social media
- Following the victim or showing up where they are (e.g., near home, work, school, or other places the victim might frequent)
- Using technology to track, find out and/or disseminate personal information about the victim
- Threatening to hurt the victim and/or people they care about
Please reach out to us to learn more or talk about your experience, our Hotline is anonymous and confidential: 1-888-843-9262