180 Turning Lives Around presents:
“Nourishing Mind, Body and Spirit”
An informative, free workshop for survivors of domestic and sexual violence with 180’s Lauren Lormel, LCSW
Come join a discussion and exploration into what we are doing and might consider doing to nourish ourselves. One definition of a holistic lifestyle reads: “choosing to live your life and help heal your body, mind and spirit through natural remedies” Developing a holistic vision, with emphasis on Nutrition, this workshop will consider the interconnectedness of many aspects of our lives and how our relationship with food might be improved.
Date: Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Time: 5:30 PM—7:00 PM
Location: 180 Turning Lives Around
Hazlet, NJ 07730
RSVP: Please call Elisse at:
(732) 264-4360 ext. 4282
Workshops have limited space.
Pre-registration required.