Dear Friends of 180,
The success of last night’s event only reaffirms what we already know: 180’s model WORKS! 180’s Amanda’s Easel Creative Arts Therapy Program is an important component in promoting healing from domestic violence and encouraging individuals to express and understand their feelings and fears in a safe and nurturing environment. Our survivors and advocates were courageous to share their art and creative expressions with us through this event. Please take a moment to view and appreciate some of their works below. More art images are available to view on our Facebook page. Visions and Voices was truly a night of “soul sharing” and we are grateful to all participants.
Special thanks to our caring friends at the JBJ Soul Kitchen for hosting 180 and for their sincere belief in our mission. The Soul Kitchen is known for nourishing souls in more ways than one! Also, thank you to all guests who literally weathered the storm and joined us in solidarity to recognize 180 during National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Our programs are successful because they are implemented by 180’s caring staff and counseling team. We thank our therapists and counselors at 180’s Amanda’s Easel Creative Arts Therapy Program for creating the environment which enables expressive arts therapy to be a part of the healing process. For those of you who generously support our work, we thank you and ask that you continue to include 180 Turning Lives Around in your charitable giving. Your generosity makes our mission possible.
Anna Diaz-White
Executive Director