As a mother myself, I know that our children and young teens don’t always turn to a parent when they need advice or are having challenges as they grow up. It’s not uncommon for young people to have obstacles that leave them feeling uncertain as they transition into adulthood. However, the reality is that children and teens need many options and supportive resources including their parents. While we may not be able to change the things that make our young people stressed, 180 Turning Lives Around is making it easier for them to get help. I encourage all parents to share with their child this information regarding 180’s 2NDFLOOR Youth Text and Helpline and make sure our app is on their phones.
At 2NDFLOOR there is always a caring and professionally trained person ready to listen. We ensure a safe exchange in an environment where youth are comfortable communicating whether by text messaging or phone. Youth have many options to access our help including:
- Phone or text: 888-222-2228
- Follow us on social media: Facebook and Instagram
- Download the 2NDFLOOR app on their phone
- Visit our website with educational resources (
- Post on our message board
Anna Diaz-White
Executive Director